Thursday, 24 February 2011

Second R&D Project

Today was somewhat an "interesting" day at work.

My very own production of a SUV based resin. If you're not familiar with the word SUV, it simply stands for Ultra Violet. Its applications in the industries are indeed wide. But as far as my company is concern, it behaves as an agent of self curing, exposed to sun light. Curing means able to harden into a new form with or without presence of heat.

Speaking of which, UV resin by itself, is an interesting topic of discussion. There's another product, which requires luminescence test. Huh? Luminescence test is conducted on the sample, using a UV light (blue in colour). We were taught how to perform and analyse the test, but we still didn't get the hang of it. So when I tried "Google"-ing it, I was pretty surprised on the amount videos available pertaining to luminescence and UV. If you're interested go give it a try. Opening another tab, typing luminescence isn't that hard you know. It only takes less than 5minutes. Lol :P

So coming back to my story. You know, this happens each time I talk to my girl over the phone. Somehow rather we shift and when we've realised it, either one of us go "Mm, what was I saying?". You see, it's happening again!!

Laughs. (I'm sure YOU are smiling too. :) Cheers)

Yes, so today was my second attempt in producing our R&D product. Well, as a R&D Exec, I finally get to do my own experiment. As interesting as it gets, I have realised that producing one product in a mini-reactor, is equally not pleasing, unless you have a good work partner. The tedious measuring, mixing, stirring and ... It gets really bad, especially when the materials tend to be sticky and highly viscous. Can't reach my phone, can't lift my jeans that slipping its way down. Grr. 

Haha, but now that it's over, it feels like let's do another one, where the measuring is much easier. Could you imagine, materials that have to be weighed as small as 0.006kg (which is just 6g) takes about 3 minutes, JUST TO WEIGH? This is not including the time where you pour it out from a 20kg pail can, wipe the sides of the container such that it doesn't drip all the way, and pouring the balance back into the can, wiping the sides, shutting the can, putting aside neatly such that it doesn't obstruct the on going project.

But yes, it was kind a fun, after the weighing and returning the can back to the warehouse. A sticky fun though. Lol. My boss has not given instruction of tests that need to be carried out, so testing will have to wait till Monday.
Yes. It is 4.35 pm, and blooging is the first thing I am doing, sitting at my desk.
I better get going. Though the office is merely one fourth of the usual crowd, there is One pair of eye and One pair of ear that's  "observing" my screen wondering what I am typing for such a long time.


Bye then. Till the next, which God only knows when.

Toodles (Some teenage-girl goodbye technique I guess, that my friends and me had to put up with for 3months, every Sundays, three years ago!)


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