Today, I went to the UTM gym with my room mate, Heim. The last I went was some three years ago? Instead of my regular jogging, I followed Heim who went (&rode me, i dont ride bikes!!). I do realise(and have been told) that jogging isn't too good for my knee(for the weight that I am), but I have no other choice when I'm feeling introverted with my weight. And that's just another reason I followed Heim today.
The thing about gyms, is that smell. You know, that particular stringent smell? Pheww... But I guess it is just a matter of minutes to get immune and also contribute that odour. Lolz. Cycles were all taken, and I was lucky that some guy finished his session not too long then. First round on the new machine, I were a little blur, till I realised that it was timed 30minutes. I went on to check my stamina, and I felt I could go on for another 15minutes. I successfully completed two rounds. My legs do hurt now, but it is as usual after my regular jogs. I hope! Hehe..
Hope to go gym more often, as it's less effect on the knee, but that would depend on Heim. I shall see how it goes.
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