So, listen up. (You could only read on though! -Lol)
Characters that you may come along here are,
Sureendran (Senior)
Shankara Rao (ARR fan)
Jivan (Mat Macho)
Navin (Asstnt Director)
Nagarajan (Mat Cool)
Vijayakanth (Captain!!)
Manoj Kumar (Kokki Kumar)
& of course myself.. ;-)
(Everyone above besides Sureen ane are my batch mates)
It initially started with my batch mate, Shankara Rao talking about being interested in taking a short film. He gradually developed his story based on a real life time event that he had witnessed. One night as we all went out for a movie, Shankar and Sureen had a serious and long discussion. It went on and on and on, till I had to say I really want to go back and only then did they 'adjourn' their meeting. The following day Sureen ane had come into campus and discuss with Shankar about the movie.
As time passed by, Shankar had decided to shoot a movie. The only green light he waited for was us, KAG to work with him to shoot this movie. Once everyone had agreed, he read the name of casts, gave each a responsibility and without us realising we were working on the movie. What began with a normal camera, blossomed into a handy-cam thanks to Manoj's uncle.
Me working on the dubbing, I was so ignorant about how easy I could have played my part, but had to wait for all the scenes to be completed, before I could proceed with the dubbing. Only as I was watching the compiled scene, did I realise how much of fun had I missed during the shooting. Me not being so mobile, it was difficult for me to ask them to bring me along, or for me to make an effort to go with them. I feel bad on that part, nevertheless I am just glad that the shooting went well. But of course, much problems were faced that time.
So, as time passed by shooting was all over, and dubbing was the only pending work. As time passed by nothing could be completely completed!! Something would turn up, and everything was like interlock, the whole progress got delayed, several times.
Then it was semester break, and practical. I was totaly so occupied with practical, that I could do nothing for Karma Yugaa nor PMH. Break was over, and much work had not been completed. My part too, but Manoj boy finished it all. Maybe the fact that I was far away, or he didn't want to bother me, he finished it all. I do feel guilty, but...
So day and night, Manoj and Sureen ane had been working to finsh the movie, and prepare for the launching. Finally, on the 22nd Aug 2009, Karma Yugaa was launched, at Grand Paragon Hotel, JB. The event was indeed very grand, besides a few drawbacks that overlooked and slipped in our mind.
Nevertheless, it was a great day. Finally, we have completed the movie, and even launched it! We can proudly say, we have a short movie, with our very own background score by Dr Chandra, our own Karma Yugaa theme song by Mc Bullet, with Subathra as the lead singer. We may not have the best product in town, but it is indeed the best of our product, that we have produced, despite of our financial status, lack of other necessary equipment and with ZERO knowledge to begin with.
So, hats off to the Karma Yugaa production team, launching team and K-Bros' Network.
God Bless...
Preparing the DVD cover

well done k-bros..keep it up!